Welcome to Billadeau Quarter Horses
Welcome to Billadeau Quarterhorses. A family owned an operated Quarterhorse breeding program. We strive to breed, raise, and also train quality horses that can be taken many different directions. They are excelling in and out of the arena. We are located in the mid west of North Dakota 60 miles south of Minot, also located in Wickenburg AZ. We currently own three stallions- Win Bully Shawnee, Ima Hired Gun, and also Shiners Suduko please feel free to check them out on our stallions page. Our mare band consists of a wide array of pedigrees ranging from Dash For Cash, Easy Jet, Streakin Six, Frenchmans Guy, Dash Ta Fame, Genuine Doc, Freckles Playboy, and Peptoboonsmal to name a few. please visit our broodmare page to see if we have something that would maybe fit into your program. We sell our colts private treaty or at various sales so please don't hesitate to call with any questions or to set up an appointment to come and view our future hopefuls. Thanks for taking the time to visit our page and look forward to hearing from you soon!